What is Boudoir photography?
It is the confidence and acceptance of oneself in an artistic and beautiful way with all our imperfections.
Many of us have a sexual concept and although this is not a lie, boudoir photography can be artistic, fun, provocative or even serious.
Nowadays there are thousands of ideas that can be adapted to what you like and feel comfortable with. This is not new, for a long time we have been surrounded by boudoir photography from clothing brands, artists, advertising and even art. Below you can see the different types of boudoir photography that can be done:

Boudoir or lingerie photography emphasizes the aesthetic and artistic qualities of sensual photography. Here we seek to do a cleaner job and play with different poses that suit us.
A genre of artistic photography that depicts the nude human body, emphasizing form, composition, and other aesthetic qualities. Here, parts of the body are usually covered in a subtle way without revealing too much, for example, the use of poses, objects, or even paint.

Nude photography is a type of photography where the objective is not vulgarity or sexuality, but rather the ability to appreciate oneself in an artistic, sensual and natural way. Nude photography is also included in Topless photography where the chest is uncovered, revealing the bust.
Eroticism is a type of photography where the focus is sensuality and sexuality. Nudity is a big part of this type.
It is an excellent option for gifts or to explore sensuality in a more intimate way.
It can also be done individually or in pairs.

Book Your Photo Session
Before looking at prices and packages, I invite you to read this information about your session.
De recomendacion, reserva de 2 a 4 semanas de anticipacion, para preparar muy bien tu sesion y darte recomendacion.
Photographic Plan
A plan of your session will be made where you can see the structure and ideas of your session.
Seleccion de Fotos
You will choose which photos will be edited according to your taste. You will make this choice a few days after your session.
Once the photos have been chosen, the editing and retouching process will begin.
Para reservar se necesita de un deposito de $500 para apartar tu fecha. El resto de hace el dia de la sesion.
Final Delivery
The entire process can take between 7 - 12 days.
Delivered in a digital album.

If you require other types of larger or customized packages, send your message
Mini Session
$1950 MXN
5 Fotos Editadas
Plan Fotografico
Entrega en album digital
Tiempo aprox. 45-60 minutos.
Solo en Estudio fotografico

Package #1
$3500 MXN
10 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Delivery in digital album
Approximate time 60-90 minutes.
Free place to choose

15 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Delivery in digital album
Approximate time 60-90 minutes.
Free place to choose
Delivery of all photos

Package #2
$5000 MXN

Package #3
$8000 MXN
30 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Delivery in digital album
Approximate time: 90-120 minutes.
Free place to choose (You can choose 2)
Delivery of all photos

12 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Delivery in digital album
Approximate time: 60 minutes.
Free place to choose

El Paso #1 Package
$250 USD
El Paso #2 Package
$400 USD
25 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Delivery in digital album
Approximate time: 90-120 minutes.
Free place to choose
Delivery of all photos

15 Edited Photos
Photographic Plan
Choose from 3 wing colors
Approximate time 60-90 minutes.
Free place to choose

Angel package
$4500 MXN

Being a content creator on platforms for adults is increasingly in demand and competitive. That is why it is important to offer quality content.
Also having someone trustworthy and with values who can respect the privacy of the content creator.
Payment Methods
When making your reservation of $500
Could you tell me about your payment method?
- Cash
- Transfer
- Card (Credit/Debit)
- Installments (payments) every 15 or 30 days
- Interest-Free Months (3 and 6 months)
- Cashapp or Paypal
In each session there is a post-production process (Editing) in which different points are retouched that we will see now with the aim of cleaning up the photos, making them more attractive and correcting body imperfections that you want to correct.
Some basic points that are corrected are: Skin retouching, color correction, elimination of imperfections (scars, stretch marks, etc.) and body correction.

Frequently Asked Questions
What happens to the photos you don't deliver?
They are stored on a hard drive for 6 months in case you need them at the end. Also, in case the album is lost, you have a backup.
Se puede llevar acompañante?
Yes, although as a recommendation, try to make sure it is a person you trust a lot and that it doesn't make you uncomfortable to pose in front of them.
This is my first session of this type, what do you recommend?
Try to start with a small package, the mini session or package #1. Also, don't complicate yourself by making a super elaborate idea since you are not used to posing. On my side, I will always be supporting you with ideas, poses and recommendations. I will also respect your privacy so that you can enjoy your session and get the best results.
Do you post the photos on your networks?
No se publican las fotos hasta yo pedirte consentimiento de ellas. Es normal si no quieres, 8 de cada 10 deciden no compartir sus fotos.
I don't have a body like the girls in the photos
It's normal to have doubts and nerves about your body. Most of my work is of bodies that are not at all athletic or like you see in magazines. I focus a lot on taking advantage of the beauty of the body, creating super cute photos and taking advantage of the curves. Honestly, 80% of my clients are women 35 years old and older, so I have experience in recommending poses and guiding you during the session.


"I loved the session! Without a doubt, Carlos, apart from being respectful, is super professional. He always gives you advice and makes the session flow."

"Every time I show my photos to my friends, they are amazed, all thanks to Carlos, who gave me instructions on how to pose without looking uncomfortable."
"I have been doing several boudoir sessions. When I met Carlos, he was the most professional of all. Super friendly and respectful of my ideas, which I know are a bit daring.

"With Carlos everything flows super well! I've had several sessions with Carlos and he's getting better each time. He always supports me in my ideas for outdoor photos."